
People (& organizations) who have supported Triple Candie over the years include:

Steven Dettman
The Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens
The Carnegie Corporation of New York/Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Jindrich Chalupesky Society, Prague
Meet Factory, Prague
Monash University, Melbourne
Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Foundation for Contemporary Arts
AG Foundation
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation
Susan and Duncan Brown
NYC Councilmember Robert Jackson
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation
Speyer Family Foundation
Caroline Taggart and Robert Sachs
John Stout/Moving Man Inc.
Richard Wager
Matthew Lusk
New York Department of Cultural Affairs
Laurie Tisch Sussman
The Jerome Foundation
The Greenwall Foundation
Robert Gober
Cindy Sherman
Tom Otterness
and many others

Tax-Exempt Status
Triple Candie is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible to the amount allowable by law.

How to Make a Donation
To make a donation, please contact Shelly Bancroft or Peter Nesbett at


  1. Support
